Specializing in American Elegant
Crystal of the Depression Era and
fine Porcelains from around the
world. Other Items available
include Select Furniture, Sterling &
Silver Plate, Ob jets d' 'Art, Books
& Prints, Oriental Carpets, Art
Work, Vintage Linens,
Clocks & Jewelry.
Here you will have the chance
to experience the elegance
that once graced
The "Old South".

Let us invite you to explore one of Savannah's Antique Shops on Historic Bull Street established April 2001


"Where the Past Meets the Present and Moves into the Future"
250 Bull Street, Savannah, GA 31401 - PH 912-233-9797 Fax 912-233-8802 - Open Mon-Sat See Below:
Shop Hours Subject to Change Due to Covid - Please ck Google or Yelp for Updated times............